Image of PSHE - Rights and Responsibilities in Year 4
8 October 2024

PSHE - Rights and Responsibilities in Year 4

In PSHE in Year 4, we have been looking at rights and responsibilities.  We have looked at the UNICEF rights and responsibilities for children and why these are important, We have also learnt that not all children in the world are as lucky as we are and don't have the rights to things that we do. …

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Image of Parts of Plants and Their Function
17 April 2024

Parts of Plants and Their Function

This week in our science in Team Badgers, we have been learning about the different parts of a plant and their function.  We learnt about the importance of each part and how it contributes to the healthy growth of the plant. We made posters to show our learning use real life plants!

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Image of British Science Week 2024 - Time for Science!
11 March 2024

British Science Week 2024 - Time for Science!

In Badgers we have been celebrating British Science Week. We have been asking scientific questions abut shadows. We decided to investigated whether different materials produce the same shadows. We were so surprised to learn that this isn't the case! We were able to make dark, clear shadows using…

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Image of Learning about Cities in Badgers
2 February 2024

Learning about Cities in Badgers

This week in Geography, we have been learning about the biggest settlement type - cities. We learnt about the different facilities that a city has compared to other settlement types, such as airports and universities. We also learnt that most cities in the UK have a cathedral, but that isn't aways…

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Image of Coding a Micro:bit
24 January 2024

Coding a Micro:bit

Our topic for Design and Technology is 'Wearable Technology'. We are designing a product for children to wear to walk to school when there are darker mornings and nights. We used a website to program the Micro:bit, to light up and flash. We programmed Button A to light up and flash. We then…

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Image of Multiplication Word Problems
24 January 2024

Multiplication Word Problems

This week in Badgers, we have been using what we have learnt in multiplication, to solve problems. We have used the RUCSAC method to ensure we Read, Underline, Choose, Solve, Answer and Check. We find this helpful and tick off each stage on our RUCSAC book mark.

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Image of Fossil Making in Badgers
24 January 2024

Fossil Making in Badgers

As part of our topic of Rocks and Soils, we have been learning about how fossils are formed. To help us to understand this process a little better and to help us remember it, we created our own fossils. Once we had created the fossil in our clay rock and left it for millions of years (or maybe…

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Image of Ukulele in Badgers
18 January 2024

Ukulele in Badgers

This week in our Ukulele lesson, the children have been recapping and practising chord G7. They embedded this learning by playing a song containing this chord. They also worked on moving between different chords a little more quickly. Finally, they practised part singing, by splitting the class in…

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Image of Super Science in Badgers!
12 January 2024

Super Science in Badgers!

To finish our learning in our Forces and Magnets topic, children in Badgers completed some research about how magnets are used in our every day lives. Once they had completed research using a variety of sources, they presented their findings in their books, organised in their own…

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Image of Geography in Team Badgers
5 December 2023

Geography in Team Badgers

In Geography, we have been learning about mountains. This week we have learnt about how mountains have been adapted by humans to live there and also fro tourists.  We have thought about why people choose to live or visit mountains.  We looked specifically at Zermatt (a town in the Swiss…

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Image of PSHE - Team Badgers
30 November 2023

PSHE - Team Badgers

This week in Team Badgers we have looked at witnessing bullying and what we can do about it.  We listened to a story about Mark who was being bullied by a girl in his class, who was then encouraging the rest of the class to join in. The story told us the impact this was having on Mark on both his…

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Image of Unbelievable Ukulele in Team Badgers
23 November 2023

Unbelievable Ukulele in Team Badgers

This week in our weekly ukulele lesson, children in Team Badgers were practising playing 3 different chords within the same song.  This is really tricky and the children had to remember where to place their fingers each time.

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