PSED in Daisies
LO: i am developing my personal care needs.
This week the Daisies have been developing their personal care. They have dome this through washing and drying their hands before lunch and snack time, and especially after messy play.
Well done Daisies!
UOW in Daisies
LO: i can describe my local area.
This week the children have been exploring the outdoor area on the bikes and scooters, they have been look around them to see what they can find. The Daisies have decribed the different buildings around them.
Well done Daisies!
Christmas workshop
LO: i can develop my own ideas and build using a variety of materials.
The Daisies had a lovely time during the Christmas workshop, they showed their singing skills and created some Christmas crafts with their families.
Well done Daisies!
Maths in Daisies
LO: I can compare size (big and small).
The Daisies have been working on their comparison skills between big and small, they have been using the blocks to build bigger and smaller towers and the figuring out what one is smaller or bigger.
Well done Daisies!
Literacy in Daisies
LO: when i use mark making tools, my movements will come from my shoulder.
The Daisies have been creating letters to Santa, they have drawn a picture of what they would like and asked very nicely for Santa to bring it them. Some children have asked for a scooter, a train track but most have…
PD in Daisies
LO: i can explore different materials and tools.
this wee the Daisies have been exploring Forest school. The children have enjoyed using different gardening tools to look at the flowers and grass and do some digging, they hvae also explored the mud kitchen using different tools to bring their…
C&L in Daisies
LO: i can recognise and point/ get objects if i am asked abiut them.
This week the children have been working on their listening skills. The Daisies have been using this new skill when they are asked to tidy up, find and collect their coats/ water bottles.
Well done Daisies!
Daisies PSED
LO: i am developing in confidence to choose my own toys to play with, snack to eat and what to wear.
this week the Daisies have come into the room and enjoyed all the different activities we had set out for them. The Daisies have confidently chosen what areas to play at and have started…
EAD in Daisies
LO: i enjoy singing and dancing to action songs.
This week the Daisies have been practicing their dancing skills, we have done this through using the ribbons. The Daisies were able to listen and follow instructions given and copy the actions successfully. They could do different movements like…
Maths in Daisies
LO: i can join in with number rhymes (counting patterns).
This week the Daisies have been exploring the number rhyme 5 little men in a flying saucer. The children have been using the rocket props to re create the actions while singing the rhyme. The children have shown good number recall and…
Literacy in Daisies
LO: to use chunky mark making tools, held in whole hand palmar grip.
The Daisies have been practcing their mark making skills in their books. The Daisies enjoyed making pre writing shape during write dance, they could follow along to the music and was able to listen to and follow the…
C&L in Daisies
LO: i enjoy singing and making sounds.
This week the Daisies have been learning their new nursery rhyme of the week 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes'. The Daisies enjoy joining in with the actions and have lovely singing to go along with them.
Well done Daisies!