Algorithms in Team Meadow
In computing, Team Meadow have been learning about algorithms. The children created instructions on how to make a cheese sandwich, thinking about how these instructions would need to be written for a 'computer'.
Music in Team Meadow
The children have been learning about orchestral instruments. They have been thinking about which orchestral instruments they could hear in different pieces of music.
Food chains
In Year 2, we've been learning about food chains. Children enjoyed drawing their pictures of a producer, prey and predator from different habitats.
Medium level shapes in PE
The children enjoyed creating some medium level shapes in gymnastics.
Making baby bear's chair!
This week, we finished creating our chair for baby bear! We've been learning all about strength and stability.
Geography in Team Meadow
In Geography, we have been learning all about Keswick. The children looked at the reasons as to why people visit Keswick.
English in Team Meadow
In English, we have been trying hard to use expanded noun phrases and conjunctions in our writing. This week, we explained why Timothy and Tabitha decided to swap back places.
We have been looking at eSafety in computing. This week we discussed how we shouldn't trust everyone online. The children then drew a picture of someone they trust and explained why.
Science hunt!
In science, we have been learning about living things. This week we were looking at things that are 'alive', 'used to be alive' and 'never been alive'. We went on a hunt around the school to see if what we could find.
Place value and addition in Team Meadow
We have started looking at column addition in Team Meadow. We are using our knowledge of place value to support our understanding of adding the tens and ones.
Welcome to Team Meadow
The children enjoyed creating their art work to put on display in our classroom. We took inspiration from our class name and created our own meadows.
Lines of Symmetry
In maths, we have been learning about lines of symmetry in shapes.